

Public mailing lists

These mailing lists are public: subscription is open to anyone. Don't send compromising information. Please respect the Tor Project Code of Conduct.


amnesia-news@boum.org is the mailing list where we send our news by email. It has a low traffic and it is the right place to stay up-to-date with the releases and security announcements.

Public archive of amnesia-news: https://lists.autistici.org/list/amnesia-news.html


tails-dev@boum.org is the mailing list where the project is coordinated: technical design questions, upcoming events, monthly reports, and user experience.

Public archive of tails-dev: https://lists.autistici.org/list/tails-dev.html


tails-testers@boum.org is the mailing list for people who want to help test new releases or features.

Public archive of tails-testers: https://lists.autistici.org/list/tails-testers.html


Translators coordinate on the tails-l10n mailing list (l10n stands for localization). This is where important changes to translatable strings are announced. So, please subscribe to the list if you want to become a regular translator:
Public archive of tails-l10n: https://lists.autistici.org/list/tails-l10n.html.

Private email addresses


You can write encrypted emails to support@tails.net if you need help in private.

OpenPGP key (details)


If you are a journalist and want to write about Tails, or if you want to send us links to press articles about Tails, write to press@tails.net.

OpenPGP key (details)


If you want to contact our fundraising team, write to fundraising@tails.net.

OpenPGP key (details)


To talk about our infrastructure (servers, test suite, repositories, mirrors, etc.), write to sysadmins@tails.net.

OpenPGP key (details)

Tails Team

To get in touch with the Tails Team, write to foundations@tails.net.

OpenPGP key (details)


To talk about the Tails translation platform, write to weblate@tails.net.

OpenPGP key (details)


You can write to the Board at board@tails.net.

OpenPGP key (details)


For vulnerabilities disclosures, email security@torproject.org.

OpenPGP key

Chat rooms

You can join our users chat room and developers chat room. Only a few Tails developers hang out there, so email is preferred for anything that might be of interest for the larger community.