- Error al leer datos de la memoria USB de Tails
Esta página se aplica en 2 situaciones:
Si recibes el siguiente mensaje de error al iniciar Tails:
Error reading data from your Tails USB stick. Please visit https://tails.net/ioerror for troubleshooting.
Si recibes la siguiente notificación mientras usas Tails:
Error al leer datos de la memoria USB de Tails Probablemente el hardware de tu memoria USB esté fallando. Te recomendamos que reinstales Tails en una memoria USB diferente. Y recuperes los datos de tu Almacenamiento Persistente lo antes posible.
These alerts are displayed when Tails detects a problem reading or writing to your USB stick. Most likely, these alerts mean that the hardware of your USB stick is failing and might completely break soon.
You should stop using this USB stick for Tails and install a new one.
If you don't have a Persistent Storage on this USB stick, we recommend that you reinstall Tails on a new USB stick.
If you have a Persistent Storage on this USB stick, we recommend that you stop using this Tails immediately, reinstall Tails on a new USB stick, and recover the data from your Persistent Storage as soon as possible.
To do so, follow our instructions on recovering the Persistent Storage from a broken Tails.